
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It is that time of the year again when card companies, chocolate producers and flower companies probably go into the black. No its not Valentines Day but the day Sports Illustrated releases its swimsuit issue. Because of this holiday that every boy between the ages of 12 and 15 waits for just as much as Christmas (at least in the pre internet times) I have decided to give birth to my sports blog. This blog will obviously cover all the major North American sports (baseball, hockey,soccer, basketball, football) but will also cover but not limited to auto racing, water polo, team hand ball, tennis and all Olympic sports. In the spirit of athletic competition both fair and steroid aided as well as Feb. 14th I say "love all" I actually mean 0-0 draw.
1st swimsuit issue cover

1 comment:

  1. Nice opener. I for one am all about it. Finally putting your knowledge down on paper. Keep them coming.
